brand identity design


If you’re a small business looking to just establish your brand, this package fits all your basic needs for that. This package includes:

  • 1-1 Discovery Call
  • Brand Voice
  • Target Audience
  • Primary Logo
  • Logo Variation
  • Custom Colour Palette
  • Typography
  • Lockups
  • 2 rounds of amends
Timeline : 3 weeks


It says what if offers. If you’re aiming big for your branding to look the perfect eye candy for your clients, this is what you need. This package includes:

  • Everything in Start-Up plus
  • Brand Elements
  • Brand Patterns
  • Set of Icons
  • Social Media Profile Images
  • Social Media Cover Photos
  • Templates
  • Brand Style Guide
  • Favicon
Timeline: 6 weeks


Enterprise commits to making your brand look cohesive everywhere. If you value consistency like we do, this is your best pick. It includes:

  • Everything in Growth plus
  • Business Cards
  • Letterheads
  • Tags
  • Stickers
  • Stock Photo Bank
  • Email Signature
  • Lockups
  • +1 asset of your choice
Timeline: 10 weeks

social media management

Launching your brand in the social world can get a little overwhelming, especially when you’re a small team trying to do everything right. We help you unload that burden on us, where we take charge and help you in multiple domains of social media:

Creating your digital presence across all channels

Content Creation

Moderation and Community Management

Campaign and Ads


A little help, a slight push in the right direction goes a long way. And, sometimes all you need is someone pushing you in that direction that clarifies all your ambiguities and you start seeing your future vividly.

We offer Brand Consultancy on hourly basis to help you figure out your pain points, your hurdles and offer you a solution to tackle your root cause of all problems.

You can book an hour call of Brand Consultancy at $50/hour only. It’s not a cost, it’s an investment you’re making in your business.